Panorama des revues spécialisées sur l’Europe de l’Est

[en France]

par Amber Bousouglou
1990, in La Revue des revues no 9

A panorama of specialized journals on Eastern Europe

The author recounts the itinerary – and appraises the contribution – of specialized journals (French and foreign) which, far from the media and often disregarded or plagiarized by them, have carried out – especially in France – an important task of information and reflection on Eastern countries. Thanks to those journals, many events could be known in the West, texts have circulated, intellectuals and writers from the East have been published.
Furthermore, an interview with Karel Bartosek – once signatory of the 1977 Charter and an exile in Paris where he edits La Nouvelle Alternative – permits to consider the conditions in which the editorial activities of this journal could be carried out up to now, and to reflect on its future within the new circumstances.

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