Compagnie de la lettre

Presentation of the site in English

Sites collection., Textsbases., branching quotations., works in progress. LittératureS & CompanieS links to ambitious almost encyclopaedic sites,often from prestigious organizations displaying real scientific requirements. Academic, Institutional, French and foreign sources coexist with resourceful homepages. As you will notice, some sites remains unclassifiable because of their inventiveness. LittératureS & CompanieS also provides online contemporary texts and a journal « Compagnie de la Lettre » including essays on defined topics. The confluence of quotations, a sort of Languages encyclopaedia updated by reading and encounters expend links and texts. As the web does not escape the « poubellication » of J. Lacan, we are very careful to the information provided.

Coordonnées de cette revue :

Méta :

Année de création : 1999
Thème(s) : , ,
Type :